Many of our employees are well aware of the Group Insurance Scheme. But there are also many employees who know very little about the scheme. This scheme is applicable from 02-10-1982 that's why it is also known as Group Insurance Scheme 1982. This scheme is listed in the Punjab Civil Service Rules Volume II Chapter 15 and Appendix VII of this volume.
Through today's article, we will discuss the GI scheme so that every employee is fully aware of it as this scheme is applicable to every new and old employee. So without wasting time let's start our article:-
Commencement of Group Insurance Scheme
The Punjab Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1982 (hereinafter referred to as the Group Insurance Scheme) was notified on the 15th August 1982 and has been brought into force with effect from the forenoon of the 2nd October 1982.
The objective of the Group Insurance Scheme
The main objective of this scheme is to provide some financial assistance to the employee and in case of his death to his family. There are twin benefits of this scheme. First, If the death of an employee occurs during the service then the amount of insurance and saving fund will be paid to the family of the employee. Second, On retirement collective amount of his saving fund will be paid to him to increase his financial resources.
On whom the Group Insurance Scheme is applicable
This scheme is applicable to all the employees of the Punjab Government excluding persons on deputation from other State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Organisations, Casual Labourers, part-time and ad hoc employees. The scheme is inapplicable on the persons who recruited under Punjab Government after attaining the age of fifty years.
Is GIS mandatory or optional?
The Group Insurance Scheme is mandatory for all those employees who enter Punjab Government Service after the Group Insurance Scheme is notified i.e. all those employees entering Punjab Government Service after the 15th August 1982 will be compulsorily covered under the Group Insurance Scheme from the date it comes into force.
Enrollment as a member of the GIS
After the Group Insurance Scheme has come into force, a person who has become a member of the Service in a month other than October shall be enrolled as a member of the Scheme on the next anniversary of the Group Insurance Scheme:
Provided that a person, who becomes a member of the Service after the 1st January 1990, on any day from 2nd January to 31st December of a year, shall be enrolled as a member of the Scheme with effect from the 1st January of the year succeeding the year in which he becomes a member of the Service.
Subscription for the members of the Scheme
The Subscription for the Group Insurance Scheme will be in units of rupees 10 per month. A Group "D‟ employee will subscribe for one unit, a Group "C‟ employee for two units, a Group "B‟ employee for four units and a Group "A‟ employee for eight units. Thus the rate of subscription for a member of the Group Insurance Scheme shall be
Rupees 10 👉 Group D
Rupees 20 👉 Group C
Rupees 40 👉 Group B
Rupees 80 👉 Group A
Provided that the subscription for the Scheme shall be in the units of Rs. 15 per month with effect from the 1st January 1990. Thus the rate of subscription for members of the Group Insurance Scheme shall be
Rupees 15 👉 Group D
Rupees 30 👉 Group C
Rupees 60 👉 Group B
Rupees 120👉 Group A
Subscription to the scheme in case of promotion or reversion
In the event of promotion on regular basis from one group to another, his subscription shall be raised from the next anniversary of the GIS to the level to the group to which he is promoted. Till then he shall be covered for insurance for the same amount for which he was eligible before such promotion.
On the other hand, In the event of reversion of an employee from a higher Group to a lower Group, there shall be no reduction in the rate of his subscription and he shall continue to be covered for insurance for the same amount for which he was eligible immediately before such reversion.
Premium and insurance cover for the Punjab Government employees other than the members of the Scheme
The Punjab Government employees, entering Service after the 1st January, 1990, on any day from 2nd January to 31st December of a year, will be given the benefit of appropriate insurance cover from the date of joining Government service to the date of their becoming members of the Scheme on payment of a subscription of rupees 5 per month as a premium for every Rupees 5,000 of the Insurance Cover, they shall pay subscription at the revised rates effective from 1st January, 1990.
Amounts payable under GIS
In case of death of an employee while in service
The amount payable to the nominee(s)/heir(s) of a member of the Scheme who dies while in service, shall be:-
(a) The amount of insurance to which he was entitled at the time of his death, plus–
(b) The amount due to him out of the Savings Fund for the entire period of his membership in the lowest Group, and
(c) The amount or amounts due to him for additional units by which his subscription was raised on each occasion due to appointment or promotion to the higher group for the period from which the rate of subscription was raised to the date of his death.
The Head of Office shall issue a sanction, in Form G. I. No. 19, for the payment of the member's accumulation in his Savings Funds admissible to him under para 8 after obtaining an application in Form G.I. No.4.
In case of resignation, retirement, dismissal, etc.
The amount payable to the member of the Scheme who ceases to be in employment with the Punjab Government on account of resignation, retirement, dismissal, etc shall be –
(a) the amount due to him out of the Savings Fund for the entire period of his membership in the lowest group; and
(b) the amount or amounts due to him for the additional units by which his subscription was raised on each occasion due to appointment or promotion to a higher Group for the period from which the rate of subscription was so raised to the date of cessation of his membership.
The Head of Office shall address the nominee(s) of the Government employee concerned in Form G.I. No. 5 to submit an application in Form G. I. No. 6 and on receipt of such application, shall issue two separate sanctions–one in Form G. I. No. 20(i), for the payment of accumulation in the Savings Fund and the other in Form G. I. No. 20(ii), for the payment of Insurance Fund. If a member of the Scheme dies a month before the recovery of the subscription for that month from him, his dues shall be paid after deducting the subscription.
Tables for interest calculation under GIS
The benefits admissible from the Savings Fund shall be determined by the Punjab Government from time to time. A Table showing the amount to be credited to the accounts of members of the scheme on account of Savings Fund along with the benefit of interest shall be issued by the Government on yearly basis. You can download tables for interest calculation under GIS at the end of this article.
Recovery of Subscription of GIS
The subscription for a month shall be recovered by deduction from the salary of a member of the scheme for that month irrespective of the date of actual payment of salary for that month.
The subscription shall be recovered every month including the month in which the member of the Scheme ceases to be a member of the Scheme or remains on leave other than extraordinary leave or under suspension.
If a member of the Scheme is on extraordinary leave and there is no payment of his salary for any period, his subscription for the month for which no payments of salary is made to him shall be recovered with interest admissible under the Insurance Scheme on the accretions to the Savings Fund in not more than three installments commencing from his salary for the months following the month, in which he resumes duty on the expiry of leave.
If a member of the Scheme dies while on extraordinary leave, the subscriptions due from him shall be recovered with interest admissible under the Scheme on the accretions to the Savings Fund from the payments admissible to his family under the Group Insurance Scheme.
No interest shall be charged on arrears of subscription if the non-recovery is due to delayed payments of salary.
Each Drawing and Disbursing Officer will effect recovery of the specified subscription from each employee, who is a member of the Scheme, by deducting in the salary bills every month.
Withdrawal from the Insurance Fund or the Savings Fund under GIS
It shall not be permissible for any member or other beneficiary of the Group Insurance Scheme to withdraw any amount out of the Insurance Fund to which the member has been subscribing.
It shall also not be permissible for any member of the Scheme to withdraw any amount of the Savings Fund to which he has been subscribing.
Loan or Advance from funds of GIS
No loans or advances shall be paid to any member of the Scheme or other beneficiary of the Group Insurance Scheme from or against his accumulations in the Insurance Fund or Savings Fund to which he has been subscribing.
Information about the Enrollment under GIS
Every member of the Scheme shall be informed in Form G.I.No.1, the date of his enrolment, the amount of subscription to be deducted and the benefits to which he would be eligible. On his regular promotion from one Group to another, he will be similarly informed in Form G. I. No. 2.
Nominations for GIS payment
The Head of Office shall obtain from every member of the Scheme a nomination conferring on one or more persons, right to receive the amount that may become payable under the Group Insurance Scheme in the event of his death before attaining the age of superannuation. The nomination shall be made in Form G.I.No.7 or G.I.No.8, as is appropriate in the circumstances.
The nomination received from a member of the „Scheme‟ shall be countersigned by the Head of Office and pasted on his service book or service documents. The Head of Office shall also make an entry in the service book or service documents that the nomination has been duly received.
In the end, we hope this article will help you a lot. In our next article, we will solve a practical problem on Group Insurance Scheme. Please post your queries and suggestions in the comment box. For more updates please follow this website.
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