Common Condition Rules,1994
Common Condition Rules,1994 |
Key points of these rules are as follows:-
- They shall only apply to Group A, Group B and Group C services in connection with affairs of state of Punjab means not to Group D.
- Rule 3 of these rules describe about the Nationality, Domicile and character of persons appointed to service.
- Rule 4 is about disqualification.
- Rule 5(Age) fixes the age limit for entry into government service. In case of every recruitment in Punjab age criteria is strictly fixed according to this rule.
- Rule 6(Qualification etc.) tells about that the number and character of posts, method of recruitment, education qualifications and experience for appointment to a government service and the departmental examination if any, shall be such as may be as specified in the service rules made for that service.
- Rule 7(Probation). A person appointed to any post in service shall remain on probation for a period of two years, if recruited by direct appointment and one year if appointed otherwise means in case of promotion. This rule should read by every newly recruited employee because period of probation is very crucial and an employee should perform his or her duty very carefully.
- Rule 8(Seniority) Seniority in a cadre is determined by this rule.
- Rule 9(Liability of member of service to transfer ) A member of service may be transferred to any post whether included in any other service or not, on the same terms and conditions as prescribed in rule 3.17 of Punjab Civil Service Rules volume 1 part 1.
- Rule 10(Liability to Serve) A member of service shall be liable to serve at any place, whether within or outside the state of Punjab, on being ordered to do so by the appointing authority.
- Rule 11(Leave,Pension and other matters) A member of service shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may have been or may hereafter be adopted or made by the competent authority.
- Rule 12(Discipline, Penalties and appeals) In these matters a member of service shall be governed by the Punjab Civil Service(Punishment and appeal) Rules,1970, as amended from time to time.
- Rule 13(Liability for vaccination and re-vaccination) Every member of a service shall get himself vaccinated or re-vaccinated himself when Punjab Government so directs by a special or general order.
- Rule 14(Oath of allegiance) Every member of service shall be required to take oath of allegiance to India and to the constitution of India as by law established.
- Rule 14A: Minimum Educational and other qualifications for appointment to the post of Senior Assistant by direct appointment and Promotion
- Rule 15: Minimum Educational and other qualifications for appointment to the post of Clerk by direct appointment.
- Rule 15A: Minimum Educational and other qualifications for appointment to the post of Senior Scale Stenographer by direct appointment and Promotion.
- Rule 16: Minimum Educational and other qualifications for appointment to the post of Steno and Junior Scale Stenographer by direct appointment.
- Rule 17(Knowledge of Punjabi Language) According to this rule no person shall be appointed to any post in any service by direct appointment unless he has passed matriculation with Punjabi as one of the compulsory subject or elective subjects or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language. In case of direct appointment on compassionate ground on priority basis,6 months time is given to pass examination of Punjabi language equivalent to matriculation standard or he shall have to qualify a test conducted by the language wing of the department of Education of Punjab Government.
- Rule 18(Promotion to Group A and Group B Service):(1)(a)For promotion to the post of Head of Department would be strictly decided on the basis of merit cum seniority and minimum benchmark for such post would be 'Very Good'. The officer who is graded as 'Outstanding' would supersede the officer graded as ' Very Good'.
- (b) For promotion to a post falling in Group A other than the Head of Department the minimum benchmark will be 'Very good' as per instructions issued by the government from time to time. There shall no suppression on the basis of merit.
- For promotion to a post falling in Group B, the minimum benchmark will be 'Good' and there shall no suppression on the basis of merit.
- Rule 18(2) Debarring for consideration of promotion of a government employee who refuses to accept promotion.
- Rule 19(Power of relax):- Where the government is of opinion that it is necessary to expedient so to do, it may by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules to any class or category of persons.
- Rule 20(Over riding effect)
- Rule 21(Interpretation):- if any, question arises as to the interpretation of these rules,the Government shall decide the same.
- Grouping of Services i.e Group A, B and C:- In the appendix pay scales are mentioned for classification of Group A,B and C.